Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Importance Of A Manuscript Hook

Another hook!

The first three paragraphs are the most important in your book. More specifically, the first sentence is the most important. You see, if an agent liked you query letter, they will want to see your work. And they will be very critical of the beginning. A query letter may be difficult to write, but with the right tools and critiques, a writer can have a great and flawless query. But that doesn't necessarily mean their book is great and flawless. It's a lot easier to revise a one page query rather than 300 pages of a manuscript.

I recently read from an agent's tweet, that having your MC wake up as the start of your manuscript is extremely common. And one may think common is good in novels, but it isn't. In the opening of your book you want to really WOW the reader. You want to entice them and force them to continue reading by using words. It can be a hard thing to do, but it's necessary. Now, agents read and critique on a daily basis. They've practically seen it all, so that's where you must really impress them. Just as your query starts with a hook, so must your book.

Reread, revise, and rewrite your first sentence over and over. Then have as many people as you can read it. And with this, not only have your beta readers and critique partners give you advice, ask you friends and family if the beginning hooks them. They don't have to be writers, or readers to have the first sentence of a book hook them, and if you have your brother who hates reading tell you the first sentence really draws him in...then you know you have truly done it!

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