Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to write a book

So, this is for sure the first thing you google when you decide you're going to try and write and book. And hopefully, google brings up this post. And hopefully, this post helps you. 

Here's the secret to writing a book:

There is no write way. ( haha! get it? Write way...right way...never mind)

Also, there is no wrong way.

So, really, you can't mess it up.

In all seriousness though, (yes, I used that word) everyone, as in authors, write their books in different ways, and you just have to find which is the best way for you. Okay, that's kind of crappy advice. You're still at square one. So, here's some tips and different ways you can start.

First, how do you get an idea? This, no one can really tell you. Ideas aren't something you can force. They're more of a creative flow that forces its way into your mind. Ideas can come from day dreaming, literally just dreaming, being aspired by music, movies, tv, stories, really anything. But I'm assuming if you're online looking at how to write a book, chances are you already have an idea, you just don't know how to execute it. 

Alright, so let's explore some ways to write your ideas down in a coherent way.

First, brainstorm. Brainstorm the crap out of your mind. Picture the setting, the characters, the scenes, the smells. Brainstorm until you're literally shaking with excitement to bring your story alive. Then... it's time to write.

Outlining- This way is recommended a lot, and it's organized and simple. If you ever took an English class in your life, then you have the gist down. Basically, you take all the elements of your story and categorizes them until you have a pretty and neat outline from beginning to end of your book. You will need to research anything you're unsure of, organize your plot, finalize your conflict...all that good stuff.

Scene by scene- This is where you have a scene in your head, so you write it down. Another scene comes to you, so you also write it down. Then when you feel like it's time, you connect the scenes, and distribute them in order, from beginning to end. The organization can all be done at the end, or throughout. 

Just write- Start at the beginning and write to the finish. Do research when it's needed, and organize throughout.

Now, there are so many way to write a book. So many! But these are kind of the basics, and they're also the ones I use. Depending on the book, each one may work better. Or, to be realistic, using all three works the best. But this is just a wallflower's opinion.

Good luck!